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Metro Law Firm

How to File a Writ of Habeas Corpus

A writ of habeas corpus is a legal tool to challenge someone's illegal confinement by the government. It demands a person's release from unlawful detention and is a fundamental right under the U.S. and Washington State Constitutions.
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Metro Law Firm

Felony Sentencing in Washington

The uncertainty of what lies ahead after facing a felony charge can be a source of great stress. I understand this because I've walked with many clients through this challenging journey.
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Metro Law Firm

FAQ: Criminal Defense

The legal system can be complex and intimidating, especially when you're facing criminal charges. I recognize the fear, confusion, and stress that come with criminal charges. But remember, you don't have to navigate it alone. My firm—Metro Law Firm—is here to help.
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Metro Law Firm

5 Things to Do After an Arrest

When you have been arrested, I understand how stressful, overwhelming, and confusing the situation may be for you and your loved ones. My role as an experienced and competent Kennewick criminal defense lawyer is to defend my clients from the moment they have been arrested until their case is wrapped up successfully.
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